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Marketing Industry Opinion

The importance of effective lead management

When youre in an industry where youre handling a large amount of clients, customers or people during each day, it can often feel a little overwhelming. The constant influx of information to take in,

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The importance of effective lead management

"Having thorough lead management processes in place is a great way to ensure your staff can handle all their responsibilities much more easily. Using effective lead management processes can provide a b"

Having thorough lead management processes in place is a great way to ensure your staff can handle all their responsibilities much more easily. Using effective lead management processes can provide a business with a range of benefits, as this article covers.


Directly benefiting your staff


Without thorough and useful lead management tools in place, there’s a risk that staff might end up spending a fair amount of the day doing vital admin work such as updating client information or recording a sale.


Effective lead management will automate a great deal of the updating and recording process, which reduces burden on your staff, helps provide accurate statistical information, and lets staff spend more time focussing on their clients and customers.


Some kinds of lead management will make creating reports and graphs easy with the data you have, too. You might use this to create a sense of friendly competition between staff using the sales statistics they each generated the previous week, for example. This turns effective lead management into effective employee motivation too.


Focussing your efforts


You’ll also want to consider the location and industry that your leads are in. For staff to be using their time effectively, it’s important that they’re focussing on leads that are more likely to convert.


To make your lead management simpler and more effective, you should think about how you rate them. This means that you’ll prioritise the leads that are more likely to use your service, or are further along in the sales process for example.


Consider creating a handful of criteria to rate your leads with. Some of the criteria you use could be:


·      Distance – leads closer to your business are rated higher

·      Industry – If they’re in an industry you’re targeting directly, rate them high

·      Seniority – For example, leads in a managerial position with authority


By rating your leads, you give staff a better idea of who they should spend most of their time on. Nurturing leads with the best possible likelihood of converting is a fantastic way to ensure that your business continually brings in new clients and customers.


Great service at every step.


Lead management is more than just organising a long list of numbers and information. It’s also how you collect, chart and manage your business’s interaction with customers.


Each lead will be updated with stats and information that’s necessary for them. However, alongside that, effective lead management will also let you see a customer’s history with your business.


For example, what issue did they call in with last time and was it resolved? Has a client been passed to a supervisor or a different department?


By being able to see a customer’s history more clearly, it prevents each staff member having to repeat questions, or spend time understanding an issue from the client. All the relevant information will already be charted in your lead management system for them. This means you can provide great service to everyone who comes into contact with your business at every step.



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